状态 And Local Tax | Expertise And Consultation | 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件

这里是意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件, 我们从不低估州和地方税收(SALT)法律对您企业底线的影响. 这就是为什么我们建立了一个SALT专家团队,以保持所有企业主都需要了解的最新法律法规-特别是如果您在网上开展业务的任何部分. 从俄亥俄州到佛罗里达州, New York to Idaho and everywhere in between, failing to adhere to the laws in your state and beyond can be incredibly costly.
状态 Taxation Overkill | Joe Popp | Ohio CPA 公司

Peace of Mind Starts Here

我们很自豪能够为我们的客户提供一个强大的选择州和地方税务服务, 包括:

分配 & apportionment reviews

收入和相关税种最具挑战性的领域之一是你的收入来源. Some kinds of income are allocated and some are apportioned. Do you k现在 the difference. Find out how an allocation and apportionment review can protect your business.

销售 & use tax compliance and reviews

你知道销售税和使用税在不同的州是不同的吗? The nuances can be enough to make you dizzy. 我们的销售和使用税专业团队可以为您的业务操作提供指导, 豁免, 购买, 等.,仔细梳理,以确保你只支付了你的业务所期望的.

学分 & 优惠服务

Your business is a job creator. 你在招聘员工,增加固定资产,总体上帮助改善当地经济. 像你们这样的企业推动着经济发展,让美国继续前进——税法和政策会用信贷回报你们的投资 & 激励. 继续读下去 to find out how we can help you claim your share.


If you conduct any portion of your business out of state, 你可能已经有很多州的税务管辖区盯上了你的公司. nexus研究将告诉你你的负债,可以帮助你避免未来的税务问题. 继续往下读,你就会知道如何通过联系学习来放松你的思想,增强你的底线.

Voluntary disclosure services

这是没有办法的,如果你的企业欠了欠税,你迟早要还清. 但是,你知道你可以通过自愿披露协议来限制你的责任吗? 继续读下去 to find out how this process works.

Due diligence reviews

Are you looking to purchase another business or even maybe sell your own? Before signing anything, it’s imperative to do your homework. Failure to do so will likely cost you. 继续读下去 to find out how.

审计 defense services

Thousands of businesses are audited every year for various tax considerations, 包括销售, use or commercial activity taxes. When it comes to your business, it's not a matter of if, it's . 了解我们的审计辩护服务如何在为您省钱的同时让您心安理得.


Does your internal tax department need a boost? We can help with that. 继续阅读 to find out how.

Business registrations and use tax accrual training

行政和会计部门负责处理大量与业务有关的任务. 请继续阅读,了解我们如何帮助您的员工履行州和地方税务责任.

13,000 意图sons To Always Ask Questions - 如今,为了工作出差(有时是长途旅行)并不罕见. 对于专业人士来说,将家庭办公室作为主要的工作空间也变得越来越普遍. But whether you’re enduring long commutes each day, telecommuting from home or hopping a plane across country a few times each month, 一定要检查你的w -2表格,以确定从你的薪水中扣除的市政税是否正确. 您可能会惊讶地发现,忽略这个特定的行项是多么容易. This case study will explain why.

Salt Software Simplicity (播客)

SALT Software Simplicity | 凯西LaMonica | Ohio CPA 公司从文字处理到报税,如今所有事情都有软件解决方案. As society continues to change and legislation alters the way business is done, 有些人正在努力开发项目来应对这些变化. 取 南达科他州诉. Wayfair例如:. 在一夜之间, 公司在他们做生意的各个州计算和纳税的方式发生了变化. 幸运的是,技术解决方案立即可用,使更改更容易忍受. 凯西LaMonica, a senior manager and technology consultant on 意图’s state and local tax team, 加入戴夫·凯恩的节目 不合适的 谈论各种可用的技术解决方案,以及它们如何使企业免于昂贵的罚款和处罚 Wayfair is the law of the land.

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状态 Taxation Overkill (播客)

状态 Taxation Overkill | Joe Popp | Ohio CPA 公司

Wayfair is, as our host Dave Cain describes it, “crazy town.” Now that states have implemented some version of Wayfair, 他们正在考虑制定反避税规则,防止企业利用漏洞在一个州避税(比如将一家企业一分为二,这样收入就会低于某个门槛)。. 但事情开始变得疯狂了——各州正在以或有费用的形式将其州税务审计外包出去! We’re in for a wild ride in 2019 as we see how this all shakes out.

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Extreme Nexus: 南达科他州诉s. Wayfair(播客)

如果你还没听说,最高法院就南达科他州诉. Wayfair案例 and South Dakota came up victorious. Joe Popp joins us again on 不合适的 on 意图 Radio 谈谈这一裁决对你的企业意味着什么,以及你今天可以做些什么来为即将发生的巨大变化做好准备.

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New Nexus Rules To Result From Monumental 南达科他州诉s. Wayfair案例

意图 Salt Team In Washington美国.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in 南达科他州诉s Wayfair. It’s been a highly anticipated and, 有时, 两极分化的情况下,许多企业主都有理由担心这对他们的业务可能意味着什么. 现在有很多事情要做和考虑,因为他们的决定是国家的法律. 继续阅读 for a couple of thoughts on what this decision means and what you should do 现在 to begin your own response to this historic case.

Supreme Court Issues 南达科他州诉s. Wayfair决定

如果你听说过销售税相关的“实体存在”这个词, 好吧, thanks to the Supreme Court, that concept is basically dead. In the most important ruling in more than 20 years with regard to tax nexus, the court sided with South Dakota. 继续读下去.

什么是公平??! Wayfair vs. South Dakota Will Influence The Way Businesses Approach 销售 Tax (播客)

To get more k现在ledge about this landmark case, 意图's state and local tax services team visited Washington D.C. in April to hear opening arguments on the 南达科他州诉s. Wayfair案例.

Listen to the 播客

我们致力于为各行各业的企业提供服务,并致力于构建安全的赌博软件套件,以应对各行各业的独特挑战. Check back often to discover what else our SALT services team can do!

  • 建设- - - - - - 意图的州和地方税务专家团队致力于揭示和解决过去可能被忽视的问题. 为建筑公司确定当前的储蓄机会,并就现有和未来的SALT事项和基于激励的项目向企业提供咨询. 继续读下去 to find out how we can help you.
  • Business 估值s - If you are in the market or buy or are preparing to sell, without a proper assessment of a company's state and local tax liabilities, you never really k现在 what you're getting into.
  • 制造业, 州和地方税收问题只是制造商日常工作的一部分,现在最高法院做出了有利于南达科他州的裁决,这变得更加棘手, effectively making physical presence a think of the past.

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